Tuesday, April 26, 2011

blog # 5

I don't think that any of us really understand how serious the issues facing our generation are.  Perhaps its better not to think about things that scare us.  The seriousness of peak oil has made it clear that our growth and consumption is beyond sustainable conditions.  How many cars does a household need?  Does it need two, three or just one?  Should the Goverment impose mandatory carpools for people who travel to heavily congested areas?  If we have spent half of the available petrolium reserves in the last 100 years, then shouldn't we run out altogether in the next 100?  Shouldn't the Goverment do more to solve this problem?  Are we going to wind up going to war with other superpowers when the world's reverse of oil reaches critical levels?  Maybe one day only the elite and famous will have access to the last bit of oil.  If G.M can be partially blamed for the problems that suburbia has caused, then shouldn't they have a responsibility to promote earth friendly cars?  Specially after the fact that they recieved federal funds when they made such crappy cars that they couldn't compete and went bankrupt  Technically if cars are such a problem, then car manufactures should put aside profits for the sake of a sustainable future.

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