Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Blog # 6

for my research paper I will use the topic of cloning humans and using them for organ harvesting.  I had the idea from an old research paper I did on the black market of organ harvesting.  As it turns out, there is actually a movie about the exact same thing.  In "Never Let me go", the topic of cloning for the purpose of organ harvesting is explored.  I will also use an article entitled "who is related to whom", as it explores the issues that relate to cloning and some of the ethical issues involved.  this article is from The Journal of Law, Healthcare and Ethics.  the main argument of this section is that " Human cloning should be respected as a barometer of what is intiitively unacceptable" (Rai, S.K et al).  Another good issue addressed int his article is the fact that the cloned person would have psychological problems knowing that it's fate had been already planned, "that his or her fate has already been substantially laid out, and so have difficulty freely and spontaniously taking responsibility for and making his or her own fate and life" Rai, S.K et al).  The issue of taking responsibility is one that is very interesting.  If a clone knows it's ultimate destiny is to be used as spare parts, what darkness can brew out of such a breach of human rights. 

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